I am trying with all of my will power to plaster a smile on my face when I hear
TWO more women gave birth to their
annoying little babies over the past few days. Tyson calls is jealousy....I call it annoyed. It is as though these women are rubbing it in my face on purpose. Why couldn't they have kept their news to themselves??!! I am perfectly aware that Maxon's time will come and his due date is not for another 11 days (20 hours, 14 minutes, 11 seconds), but as I sit here praying for some sort of water leaking, agonizing contraction and/or spot of blood, my patience is wearing down to nothing. I am literally dying from boredom and waiting.....

But to speed up the days, my baby research continues. From a friends recommendation, I attended a Babywearing meeting that advocates mothers to "wear" their children in slings, wraps and carriers. I am all aboard on this and find that with carrying Maxon in my belly for 9 months, I will want him as close as possible. There are so many different products out on the market and with this group, I am able to try them all for a month (with a yearly membership of $30) and find one that suits me. I already own an Ergo Baby Carrier, but want a wrap until Maxon is old enough to hold up his head. I looked at Didy's, Moby's, Mei Tai's, water wraps and more. It was a very comfortable atmosphere with kids of all ages around, breastfeeding mommies, and chatter of how to wrap, using cloth diapers and upcoming events. I even left the group having an open mind on cloth diapers, which I was against. While I am not on the "cloth diaper train" I am more open to the positive aspects of using cloth diapers....no diaper rash, no butt explosions, environmentally beneficial, less money, and not as difficult as I assumed. I am going to attend a future meeting of mommies with cloth wearing babies to learn more about the pros and cons.
Another week passes by (slowly) and another one begins. On our schedule we have another car seat installation (because our first one doesn't fit into our cars), Padres game, prenatal appointments, Food Justice conference, a party we are catering, yoga, coffee dates and advanced planning for Mother's Day, Tyson's birthday, and Alex's Birthday. There is still SO much to do before Maxon gets here and Tyson really wants me to keep my legs crossed until next week since we have such a busy week......looks like he will get his wish.
i know that this is the hardest time ever to have patience. but i also know that there isn't a better time to dig deep within yourself and find just a few more ounces of it. i had a terrible time NOT thinking about the impending baby at this point in my pregnancy...but i know now that i should have been spending that energy on the few creative things i wanted to do. the world around you doesn't stop when they're born...but you sure will want it too! have fun right now and enjoy your inside baby...soon enough he'll come out and play. OH & the second I stopped dwelling on the arrival...that's when my water popped;)
ReplyDeleteI can't be creative enough! I have made (on my own) his baby announcements, homemade orange marmalade, balsamic marinated ciopolinnis, crocheted my heart out and have organized like the world was ending! I know my patience will be rewarded with a beautiful baby boy, but I am a planner and I need to know when he is coming....I will stop dwelling! Thanks Chantel!