Sunday, February 3, 2013

Silver Linings

Yesterday was a rough day that I am glad and honestly, surprised that I got through.  I hit my low and realized just how much pressure I was putting on myself.  I cannot be the perfect mom, wife, doggie owner, photographer, sister, friend, daughter, etc.  What I am forcing myself to be is just good enough for my family. And it has become a trial and error kind of process.

And today, I shook away the tears and frustrations and promised myself that TODAY WILL BE A GOOD DAY! 

I will read and re-read the adorable Valentines books that I got Max from the library and we will make Valentines crafts with his big paws because reading about love with the one that I love the most, is my favorite past time.

I will giggle at the stronger jabs and kicks, hunger pains and my growing belly as my baby Bowen (or Bowan, still haven't made that choice yet) grows bigger and bigger.  He is as big as a spagnhetti squash and comparable to Max, he isn't as active.  We did have a bit of a scare a few weeks ago when we went to our 20 week appointment.  There were some issues with the imaging of his heart, stomach and brain, but after confirmations from several doctors, they confirmed that Baby B is healthy and fine.  I am just worried about the short amount of time left until his arrival.  At 22 weeks, time has flown by thus far and I know it'll only speed up from here.

I will not cringe at this photo.

I will admire it and be proud. (But I will have anxiety over the mess in the background)

I will be kissing this belly A LOT!  He thinks Baby Bo is in his belly and will "feed" him when he is hungry and will shush us when Baby Bo is "sleeping".  Very thoughtful to his Baby Brother.

I will love this man even more than I do and will cherish every moment of our day and date night.

Oh and I will eat all day long.  Because it is the Superbowl, because I am hungry and because today is a GREAT day.

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