Everyday is a journey and a learning lesson for Maxon's growing and curious mind. Tyson and I are eager to enrich his life, his young life, in every possible way. We can see him learning right before our eyes. We LOVE to be part of his firsts. In the short amount of time of 3 young months, Maxon has learned to grasp with with two fingers, roll over, screech and make a "thsp" sound. He loves his toes and plays with them when we sit him in his BUMBO (which we have to watch him in now because he likes to buck out of it by arching his back and extending his legs) and when we change his diaper. While he continues to be breastfed, he is slowly beginning to take formula because I am unable to produce as much as he would like to consume. He is a very large boy. His legs and arms are getting bigger and if those cheeks expand anymore, I might have to take a large bite out of them......it is VERY hard to resist right now. He can see a lot better, as he notices Sonny, people and his mommy and daddy. He now gets excited when he see us. He also has started to reach out for us when he wants to be picked up! Oh and he holds his own bottle. Too freakin' cute. He is losing his hair on the sides of his head, but no have no fear, he still has his Mohawk/Alfalfa hair that we adore. His eyes seem to be getting lighter in color, as well as his hair. Maxon loves his bath, loves to sleep (I have to WAKE HIM UP!), loves to be out and about (he is cranky if we stay at home all day) and is so peaceful.
Gosh, we love him.......
Having our picnic in La Jolla | | | | | | |
Standing tall! |
Giving Daddy BIG kisses |
Maxon wearing the monkey mask |
Hanging with the Gorillas |
Fun at the Zoo! |
Chilling Poolside with his shades on |
Playing on his mat. Max talks to the monkey. |
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