My wild and crazy Saturday night consisted of making an Eggplant Pesto Lasagna, Shepherds Pie, and an Mexican Egg Bake my grandma used to make for us on special occasions. Along with these three entrees, we have stocked up on frozen snacks and easy bake cookies. Nothing like being too prepared! And after 6 hours of cooking (I also made a Gruyère and Root Gratin for Sunday nights dinner and Low-Fat Cinnamon Rolls for our Sunday morning), I was in pain! Legs, back and feet! Tyson surprised me with coming home early from work and giving me a nice relaxing massage, so my Sunday morning walk around Lake Murray with my friend Chantel, wasn't as dreadful as I thought it was going to be......
With springtime in the air, Tyson and I enjoyed a nice Sunday outing at the Rolando Street Fair and ran a few errands before my monthly book club and dinner and a movie. Overall, our weekend was relaxing and productive. We now have most of our "pre-Maxon" list completed!
Left on the list
- Put up Maxon's letters/art/wall decals in nursery
- Check fire alarms
- CHP car seat inspection
- Deep Clean house (this process will begin Monday, while Tys in golfing)
- Re-organize Storage Areas (for MORE storage space for Maxon's grown out clothes)
- Create Photo CD's of past year for memory box
- Update baby book
- Start on Baby Announcements (get addressed and stamped)
- Download birthing music on IPOD
- Book hair, wax, nail appointment
- Order flowers and send cards for April birthdays
- Begin to think about Tyson's (31!) Birthday
- Easter baking, cooking, and egg dying
- Finish Gardening
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