Tyson surprised me with flowers....my romantic, handsome, thoughtful husband
Month 7!!!
It is not that I am tired of being pregnant or tired of carrying the extra load....it is just that I am tired.
In my fast paced 7 month pregnancy, my life has been anything but boring. I like it this because for one-makes the time go by really fast, and two-there is so much to freaking do! This week has been another whirlwind of events and as I sit here typing away, I am officially exhausted! With keeping up with decorating our new home, we are also planning (and shopping) for Max's nursery. I finally got around to buying the baskets for his changing table as well as updated the registry with the car seat, bottles, pacifiers, and jogging stroller (the highly desired BOB stroller that I have found to be PERFECT for Tyson and I). While my intention for Monday night was to begin another round of prenatal yoga, I realized that with EVERYTHING I do, I needed permission from my midwife (which I was without). So instead, I hung out at home, devoured pizza and enjoyed family time. Tuesday was another indulgent day with a prenatal massage and lunch with a friend. In the evening Tyson and I went to our second of three baby classes, the breastfeeding class. We learned about latching on, different holds, and storage information. Being that this is our first time, we learned A LOT!
As the week continues, so does our fun life. Tyson has been enjoying our new location across the street from Mission Trails. He and Sonny have gone on many adventurous hikes and runs (I go on the "safer", flat hikes) and have taken advantage of the beautiful San Diego days. He is also loving his new tennis workout with our friend Mitch. The weather has been chilly, yet clear so this is perfect for playing outside. Meanwhile, I have my green thumb back and have began planning for my garden. I am starting to plant some herbs, potatoes, lettuce and radishes, as well as maintaining my eggplant, bell peppers, and jalapenos. I am also cooking up a storm (just finished a lemon meringue pie!) and have SLOWLY stepped back into my photography. This week also marks the second week for my online courses. Oh and I am trying to learn to read crochet patterns! And plan my baby shower! And plan a Superbowl get together! And prep for the Feb. 14 beer dinner! PHEW! It seems like a lot, but really, I take it slow and enjoy everything that I am doing because really, I am doing this ALL for Max and our little family. I love doing it all and with it ALL, I still find time to take my naps.....and trust me, Tyson makes me!
Next week, I start my "kick card." This is where I will record how long it takes for Max to move 10 times. If it takes longer than 2 hours, then there is a reason for concern and I have to call my doctor to be checked out. I know that it will take 2 minutes for him to move 10 times when he is active. When he isn't sleeping, he is moving around A LOT. I can now feel his little body parts when he kicks and turns. He seems to be lying horizontal because I can feel his head or back on my right side (his favorite side) and kicks on my left. He should be turning into position soon so the kicks will be directed right at my ribs (FUN). We are also looking forward to seeing him in the 4D ultrasound this Saturday. We are constantly wondering what he looks like and whose features he will take on, so with this detailed ultrasound, hopefully we will get a better idea. We cannot wait!
I still have some assignments to complete and a little bit of kitchen clean up before bed so I am off to get that done before my beauty sleep. So much to look forward to, I don't know how I will be able to sleep!
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