7 1/2 months!
The three amazing men in my life came through for me last week. My dad bought us our crib and had it sent to the house (as well as the high chair), my brother set up the crib and my lovely husband put together the high chair. What would I do without them?
Uncle Stephen meticulously putting together the crib

Looking Good, Daddy!
Some big events to catch up on---
Not last Saturday, but the Saturday before, we had our 4D ultrasound to see who Max looks like and drum roll please.....he looks perfect! From what we can see, he has my lips, and a lot of Tyson's face shape (chubby cheeks, defined forehead). He even opened his eyes! Alex, Stephen, my mom and dad, and Tyson's mom, all made it to the appointment and were in complete awe of the detail. Max was being a bit stubborn by placing his hands in front of his face, but with repositioning myself on my side and a little pushing by the doctor, he let us have a peek of his beautiful face. The doctor also said that he might be a lefty because he kept grabbing his umbilical cord with his left hand. Tyson is already preparing himself by playing sports as a lefty so he can be just like his boy. Another amazing moment was seeing Max's brain hard at work. He is so smart already (as Tyson would say) and he even has hair growing on his precious scalp! My lil' monster is going to be one hairy bear. I cannot wait!
The next day was Superbowl Sunday and Tyson and I couldn't have been more excited to eat and sit at home in front of our new HD TV. With my mom and sister, MIL, and our dear friend Matt, we cheered on the New Orleans Saints to their wonderful victory against the Indianapolis Colts. Tyson, like the caveman he is, made wings in our deep fryer and pizzas on the grill. We stuffed our faces beforehand with veggies, chips and salsa, hummus, and fruit and quenched our thirst with beer (N/A for me). We were so happy and cozy in our little home filled with LOTS of love and food.
I also attempted to begin a new prenatal yoga session, but found it to be a little too easy for me and never felt any relief like I had been feeling with my previous class. I LOVE LOVE LOVE yoga and was completely disappointed with not liking it, but with Tyson's encouragement, I agreed to give it one more chance. I can also use up my classes after Max is here with Baby Yoga and Postnatal Yoga, which makes me feel better about spending the money. For our Tuesday date night, Tyson and I ventured into another baby class, Baby Care Basics. It was our last of the the three classes and the most boring of them all. It was full of how to change the diaper, swaddling the baby and when to feed the baby. I was shocked to see that almost half of the class did not know how to change a diaper! I am so glad that Tyson and I have experience due to our beautiful brother and sisters.
The remaining of the week was spent prepping for the Alesmith Beer and Food Pairing on Valentines Day and beginning preparations for the Baby Shower. I also have a new mommy passion of going to Garage Sales which I have been trying to go every weekend, bright and early, and scour for home decor items, barely used baby clothes and playpens (for Grandmas House!) Everything is such a bargain!
Valentines day was a success with our Beer Dinner in the evening and a late night in-door romantic picnic for Tyson and I. We treated ourselves to good cheese, a baguette, olives and chocolate fondue ( and yes we did dip the olives in chocolate...I am pregnant!) Max even got a Valentine from our friend Nicole. Tyson says he son already has "player" skills. I told him that I am the ONLY girl in both of their lives.....

And so we have arrived to the week of the shower and I cannot wait to be around friends and family who are just as excited to meet Max as we are. There is much planning and prepping to do still, but we know that it is going to be well worth it. This morning we had another appointment where we listened to his heartbeat (nice and strong at 130bpm) and measured his size (which he says is a "good" size....what does THAT mean??!!! "Good" size=BIG BABY??!!!!) I have started feeling some minor stretching of my ligaments that feel like a stitch in your side after running. Nothing too intense, but my body is slowly wearing out. I climb the stairs a little bit slower, roll over with some help with Tyson and dread getting out of bed because I know the process will be long and hard.
And for our Tuesday date night, Tyson and I are celebrating Fat Tuesday and the remainder of Chinese New Year. We had Dim Sum for lunch and cooked grilled oysters like the ones we indulged on in New Orleans. We feel like we are contributing to the festivities, even if we are secretly indulging in our cravings. And as I sit here typing away on the blog, Tyson is feeding me the oysters, making sauteed mushrooms and dancing to the country music we have playing in the background. Every sentence that comes out of our mouths starts with "When Max is here..." or "I cannot wait for when Max is here so we can...." We know our date nights will forever be different and we are impatiently waiting for them to begin!