In becoming Max's mom (lovely name of my liltle ol' blog), I tried to do everything right. I read every book, walked miles a week, took the vitamins, ate healthy, sang and read to my belly-and I am pretty sure that with the sureness of Tyson and I and the peaceful environment we had created, THESE were the reasons to Max's calmness and perfection. We had him on a routine and we stuck to it. Some said that it was because Tyson and I were good people and made great parents. Maybe, but I think Max allowed us to be good parents. He was easy. Naturally we decided to have another.
We thought that the spell would be broken and we would get this horror of a child. My pregnancy would be awful, he would be a premie, not a sleeper, would make us question our everyday parental decisions. But Bowan was just as perfect as Max. Amazing pregnancy, happy baby, nice and large---GREAT eater. Happy Blake's now were FOUR!
I had a friend tell me, during my pregnancy with Bo, that with one child, you still have your life. With two, your life becomes all of theirs. I had suddenly had gone from a mom of one to a mom of two big Blake boys. Two sets of eyes looking up at me for every need. Anxiety set in and while I knew nothing could stop it, I quickly became unsure of myself. With Tyson working at night, how would I manage the night routine? How would I go back to work nursing/pumping/keeping focused on my job? How would we be able to afford two appetites/schedules/needs? And date night.....are those gone too? How in the hell would we find a sitter for two?!
Flash forward to the present and well, we manage. It is not easy, but it is manageable. My limits have been tested and pushed to the furthest extent. I didn't realize how much patience I have (and don't have). My life is totally consumed with the two boys and their well-being. I am constantly teaching, constantly talking, constantly feeding and constantly cleaning.
I scare myself sometimes with just how much sleep I DO NOT get. And yet, I fully function the next day. Reality slapped me in the face yesterday morning as I stumbled out of bed and met my doe-eyed three year old in the hallway. Blankie in one hand, his wet training pants in the other, I met his stare and realized just how shocking I looked. Hair disheveled, baby in my arms, unlatched from breast (now fully exposed). Blindly or rather unconsciously, I turned and fumbled down the stairs and even though the dog was whining and prancing around to be let outside, I made my most precious cocktail of the day-COFFEE. Once a luxury, now a necessity. I cannot get the cobwebs out of brain or the fuzziness of my night without my cup o' joe.
But this is my life now. A mommy of Max and Bo. In becoming their mother, I have learned a few things: when it rains it pours, yelling is NOT an option, showers will come later (or tomorrow), they are only this small for such a short amount of time, mommy friends are priceless, and lastly-my husband is an amazing creature. Without him, I could not be the mother I am and the mother I am becoming.....

We started our family on November 1, 2008. Love and happiness has brought us where we are today. And with a new addition to our little Blake family, we wanted to share our journey, as well as document the most cherishable experince of our lives....our little bundle of joy. May our lives be full of learning, chaos, laughter, photos, food and most of all....LOVE
Monday, October 14, 2013
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Growing, Climbing and PLAYING!
**Written August 2013**
At one month old Bowan was a learning experience for our Blake family. It took this month for all of us to get on to a schedule that fit a newborn. We had to change our lifestyle and focus, but even though newborns require a lot of attention, Bo seemed to fit ever so perfectly in our routine.
At one month old Bowan was a learning experience for our Blake family. It took this month for all of us to get on to a schedule that fit a newborn. We had to change our lifestyle and focus, but even though newborns require a lot of attention, Bo seemed to fit ever so perfectly in our routine.
Max with his preschool, swim, soccer and nature classes, is
full of activity. People say that the
terrible twos are awful. “They”
lie. Three’s have nothing on the
twos. But despite his antics of defiance
and button pushin’, he is a great kid.
He is growing faster than fast and is such a social butterfly. In becoming a big brother, he is more
independent and a little more curious about the world. Such a quick learner and patient
At two months, after the newness has settled and in and
everyone has settled down, real life kicks in.
Mommy returns to work, daddy tackles beer dinners once again and Max is immersed
in his social life. Bowan is constantly
growing and changing. He is almost 14lbs
and 22 inches. His three shots were not
watched by brother and mommy because it made us too sad to see him upset. Daddy was the brave one.
How quickly the three months flew by. Summer is almost over and the real preschool
session starts. Max is constantly
jumping off beds, running and yelling, chanting pirate tunes or screaming Tarzan
calls. Or he is fighting bears……We have
already bought is Spiderman Halloween costume and restocked his undie drawer
full of Super hero themed gear. He is all boy.
Baby B is holding his head up strong, drooling, cooing,
giggling and smiling. He is such a
gentle, soft little man. He isn’t sleeping as much during the day but when he
is awake, he is content. I think he is
in complete awe of his brother and loves to just sit and watch him.
Daddy and I, after several months, had our first date
day. While the kiddos slept, we ate and
drank freely. It was nice to come home ,
just in time for dinner and bedtime. These
boys, as they grow each day, are our shining stars!
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Silver Linings
Yesterday was a rough day that I am glad and honestly, surprised that I got through. I hit my low and realized just how much pressure I was putting on myself. I cannot be the perfect mom, wife, doggie owner, photographer, sister, friend, daughter, etc. What I am forcing myself to be is just good enough for my family. And it has become a trial and error kind of process.
And today, I shook away the tears and frustrations and promised myself that TODAY WILL BE A GOOD DAY!
I will read and re-read the adorable Valentines books that I got Max from the library and we will make Valentines crafts with his big paws because reading about love with the one that I love the most, is my favorite past time.
I will giggle at the stronger jabs and kicks, hunger pains and my growing belly as my baby Bowen (or Bowan, still haven't made that choice yet) grows bigger and bigger. He is as big as a spagnhetti squash and comparable to Max, he isn't as active. We did have a bit of a scare a few weeks ago when we went to our 20 week appointment. There were some issues with the imaging of his heart, stomach and brain, but after confirmations from several doctors, they confirmed that Baby B is healthy and fine. I am just worried about the short amount of time left until his arrival. At 22 weeks, time has flown by thus far and I know it'll only speed up from here.
I will be kissing this belly A LOT! He thinks Baby Bo is in his belly and will "feed" him when he is hungry and will shush us when Baby Bo is "sleeping". Very thoughtful to his Baby Brother.
I will love this man even more than I do and will cherish every moment of our day and date night.
And today, I shook away the tears and frustrations and promised myself that TODAY WILL BE A GOOD DAY!
I will read and re-read the adorable Valentines books that I got Max from the library and we will make Valentines crafts with his big paws because reading about love with the one that I love the most, is my favorite past time.
I will giggle at the stronger jabs and kicks, hunger pains and my growing belly as my baby Bowen (or Bowan, still haven't made that choice yet) grows bigger and bigger. He is as big as a spagnhetti squash and comparable to Max, he isn't as active. We did have a bit of a scare a few weeks ago when we went to our 20 week appointment. There were some issues with the imaging of his heart, stomach and brain, but after confirmations from several doctors, they confirmed that Baby B is healthy and fine. I am just worried about the short amount of time left until his arrival. At 22 weeks, time has flown by thus far and I know it'll only speed up from here.
I will not cringe at this photo.
I will admire it and be proud. (But I will have anxiety over the mess in the background)
I will be kissing this belly A LOT! He thinks Baby Bo is in his belly and will "feed" him when he is hungry and will shush us when Baby Bo is "sleeping". Very thoughtful to his Baby Brother.
I will love this man even more than I do and will cherish every moment of our day and date night.
Oh and I will eat all day long. Because it is the Superbowl, because I am hungry and because today is a GREAT day.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Adding to our little family
**I wrote this three weeks ago but forgot to post**
A year ago, we didn't expect to have two little babes running our lives. Having Max was a blessing enough for us. But with how our lives have changed and just how much love we have for Max, we decided that having a baby brother or sister for Max would complete our Blake Family.
And so we got PREGNANT!
A few days before my birthday, I took a pregnancy test and with the positive results, we celebrated not only adding to our family, but my 30th birthday, buying a new house and taking a trip to Hawaii. While I couldn't participate in the physical activities on our trip (and the libations!), I did manage to relax, eat and sight see-a recipe for a perfect trip.
So here I am, at 14 weeks pregnant and we are cherishing every moment with our growing baby in my belly and my growing baby outside of my belly, that is not quite a baby anymore. Even though it was only a few years ago since I had my last babe, the memories have quickly faded of what I experienced. I am again a frequent eater, bathroom visitor and busy, busy, busy with baby preparation. I am still working as well so when I add a rambunctious two and a half year old who is excited for Christmas and Santa, it is no wonder that I am exhausted at 8:30, after I put Max down.
We have been to the doctor a few times to check the health of the baby and so far, they have declared that it is a BOY (YIPEEEEE!!!!), that he has a strong heartbeat, no signs of Downs or any other chromosomal differences and that I will deliver ever a week prior to my due date (June 4), if I do not go into labor before then. With my previous C-section, a scheduled delivery is mandatory and quite frankly, it is what I prefer. Baby brothers room is getting together slowly , but what has been so AMAZING is the passing on of clothes and equipment from close friends. Because we didn't think we were going to have another baby, I gave everything away (DOH!). But with karma being oh-so-kind, we have received so many thoughtful items. It has saved our pocketbook tremendously.
Big brother Max, now 2 1/2, is a little man. He is hilarious, quick witted and fun loving. His bad days are funny, but learning experiences. Tyson and I are slowly adapting to teaching life's lessons of no-hitting, no-biting, no-pushing, no-talking back and it is quite frustrating when he is so good 99% of the time. We don't like to yell and we don't hit so when time outs don't work, we are out of breath and patience. I have some reading and research to do......
This is the first year for Max that Christmas is an exciting time. He understands Santa, didn't cry when he sat on his lap, can sing some Christmas carols and is thrilled to decorate. With so many things to do in San Diego, we are loving every moment of the Christmas spirit. We have an advent calender (two of different sorts) that counts down the arrival of Santa, will be making cookies and handmade ornaments and have admired lights with hot cocoa in hand.
In other news regarding Max, he is still not potty trained and it is annoying the heck outta me. I WILL NOT be changing two babies diapers---this is a promise that Max will be forced to make to me. He is however, transitioning well into becoming a big boy. He now has a bunk bed and big boy sheets and pillows. While we thought he would take some time getting used to it, he fell in love with it all. For the upcoming year, we have sports, preschool and music class to look forward to. My little boy is getting bigger and bigger every single day
So many events to look forward to in 2013!
A year ago, we didn't expect to have two little babes running our lives. Having Max was a blessing enough for us. But with how our lives have changed and just how much love we have for Max, we decided that having a baby brother or sister for Max would complete our Blake Family.
And so we got PREGNANT!
A few days before my birthday, I took a pregnancy test and with the positive results, we celebrated not only adding to our family, but my 30th birthday, buying a new house and taking a trip to Hawaii. While I couldn't participate in the physical activities on our trip (and the libations!), I did manage to relax, eat and sight see-a recipe for a perfect trip.
So here I am, at 14 weeks pregnant and we are cherishing every moment with our growing baby in my belly and my growing baby outside of my belly, that is not quite a baby anymore. Even though it was only a few years ago since I had my last babe, the memories have quickly faded of what I experienced. I am again a frequent eater, bathroom visitor and busy, busy, busy with baby preparation. I am still working as well so when I add a rambunctious two and a half year old who is excited for Christmas and Santa, it is no wonder that I am exhausted at 8:30, after I put Max down.
We have been to the doctor a few times to check the health of the baby and so far, they have declared that it is a BOY (YIPEEEEE!!!!), that he has a strong heartbeat, no signs of Downs or any other chromosomal differences and that I will deliver ever a week prior to my due date (June 4), if I do not go into labor before then. With my previous C-section, a scheduled delivery is mandatory and quite frankly, it is what I prefer. Baby brothers room is getting together slowly , but what has been so AMAZING is the passing on of clothes and equipment from close friends. Because we didn't think we were going to have another baby, I gave everything away (DOH!). But with karma being oh-so-kind, we have received so many thoughtful items. It has saved our pocketbook tremendously.
Big brother Max, now 2 1/2, is a little man. He is hilarious, quick witted and fun loving. His bad days are funny, but learning experiences. Tyson and I are slowly adapting to teaching life's lessons of no-hitting, no-biting, no-pushing, no-talking back and it is quite frustrating when he is so good 99% of the time. We don't like to yell and we don't hit so when time outs don't work, we are out of breath and patience. I have some reading and research to do......
This is the first year for Max that Christmas is an exciting time. He understands Santa, didn't cry when he sat on his lap, can sing some Christmas carols and is thrilled to decorate. With so many things to do in San Diego, we are loving every moment of the Christmas spirit. We have an advent calender (two of different sorts) that counts down the arrival of Santa, will be making cookies and handmade ornaments and have admired lights with hot cocoa in hand.
In other news regarding Max, he is still not potty trained and it is annoying the heck outta me. I WILL NOT be changing two babies diapers---this is a promise that Max will be forced to make to me. He is however, transitioning well into becoming a big boy. He now has a bunk bed and big boy sheets and pillows. While we thought he would take some time getting used to it, he fell in love with it all. For the upcoming year, we have sports, preschool and music class to look forward to. My little boy is getting bigger and bigger every single day
So many events to look forward to in 2013!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Max, Age 2
My Max.......
He is two and my best partner in crime. How he can get cuter and cuter everyday, I am still trying to figure that out. I put him to bed each night and it seems as though he has grown another inch by morning. I cherish every moment with him, but I am not wishing the tantrums and attitude to linger any longer.
Max, at 29 months (I honestly NEVER say his months anymore so he is now TWO and in a little bit he will be TWO AND A HALF....who says months anymore??!!!), 37 1/2 inches tall, has a stocky frame with a belly full of laughter and yogurt. This summer, we are constantly running away from the heat so we are swimming as much as possible (which BTW helps get my lil' guy realllly tired). With much practice and Daddy's never ending patience, Max is a terrific swimmer and can go under water like Nemo. In no time, he will be our next lil' Olympic swimmer.
Max's go-to food and snacks consist of anything and everything, but he BEYOND favorites are fro yo, grapes, chicken tenders, cheese (from Taste cheese, perferably), green juice, any fruit, zucchini and anything yummy that Aunt Cupcake makes. His favorite shows are Dinosaur Train and......well that is about it. BUT he does love, love, love Toy Story 3, Finding Nemo and Lion King.
For playtime, Max keeps his Woody and Buzz close by, as well as any figurine that is related to Dinosaur Train. His Gigi, Papa and Grandma gave him a castle and some knights, and plays catapults and dragons. Tyson and I are always eavesdropping in on his conversations that he has with his toys. Max is so caring and nuturing when he "accidently" rolls over his toys with his bike. He can hit a T-ball very far, can kick a soccer ball very far and can throw a ball very hard. Max is all boy.
Max's besties are still the usual crew-Maia, David, Carter, Ryan, Cadence, Jackson and Coraline, but he has a special little relationship with Vann Mann. Even though they hang out on rare occasions, he loves the way she talks to him, plays so gently with him and constantly teaching him things. She is a great friend.
It is without a doubt that this is my favorite time with Max. He is becoming more independent and can speak his wants (or demands) without crying. He is silly, participates in a class setting and has the funniest point of view on life. With the holidays coming up, I am becoming more and more excited for him to really take in the traditions and to make more memories.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
First Week of 2012
We definitely didn't go into 2012 with an empty tummy. Celebrating the Eve of the New Year, we went to our annual oyster/sushi/shrimp feast at King's Fish House. We ate till we couldn't fit another piece of fish in and ventured home where we cuddled as a family as New York rang in 2012. After Max went down at 9, Tyson and I managed to stay up a little past midnight for the West Coast New Year celebration.
New Years Day was celebrated eating (no surprise there, huh?) We went to a friends house where we devoured more oysters and sipped champagne. Max's favorites of the day were helping "Uncle Nate" eat Christmas cookies, splashing in the spa, assisting Daddy with shucking the oysters and coloring with paints and crayons.
Monday and Tuesday were sick days for Mommy. Belly wasn't liking the overabundance of rich food so a detox/diet is in order....but nothing too CRAZY!
Wednesday, the Blake Fam went to the Aquarium to check out whales, fish and octopus. Should have brought more clothes for Max because with the amazing warm weather and the amount of splashing he did in the tide pools, he was drenched! Max touched starfish, admired the BIG fish in the tanks, learned about water conservation and was a participant in a mock TV news show. He had a blast!
On Thursday, Max and I went to "class" (a Parent/Child class given by the Continuing Education Program), which we hadn't gone to in quite some time. His friends David and Maia were there, as well. We played at Lindbergh Park, sang songs, jumped around under the parachute and popped bubbles. After, we met some friends at Jasmine where Max stuffed himself on Dim Sum. His favorites? Steamed and Sticky Buns, Sticky rice wrapped in tea leaves and shumai. Everyone was impressed on how much Max could eat.
Our Meetup group visited the Zoo on Friday where we got to see the Polar Bears eat, play in a helicopter, take a bus to see the tigers, monkeys and flamingos, and read a story about a Mommy and Baby polar bear.
We headed to Suzie's Farm on Saturday for a self-guided farm tour. While Max wasn't feeling too great, he still managed to put on a smiling face for his friends and keep his legs moving up and down the rows. We tasted mustard greens, arugula and spinach, played in the dirt and waved at passing by horses trotting on the road.
While Mommy went to work on Sunday, Daddy and Max enjoyed a boys day of running around Lake Murray, skipping rocks in the water, feeding ducks and watching football.
New Years Day was celebrated eating (no surprise there, huh?) We went to a friends house where we devoured more oysters and sipped champagne. Max's favorites of the day were helping "Uncle Nate" eat Christmas cookies, splashing in the spa, assisting Daddy with shucking the oysters and coloring with paints and crayons.
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After a much needed nap, Max assisted Daddy with oysters |
Monday and Tuesday were sick days for Mommy. Belly wasn't liking the overabundance of rich food so a detox/diet is in order....but nothing too CRAZY!
Wednesday, the Blake Fam went to the Aquarium to check out whales, fish and octopus. Should have brought more clothes for Max because with the amazing warm weather and the amount of splashing he did in the tide pools, he was drenched! Max touched starfish, admired the BIG fish in the tanks, learned about water conservation and was a participant in a mock TV news show. He had a blast!
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La Jolla Birch Aqaurium |
On Thursday, Max and I went to "class" (a Parent/Child class given by the Continuing Education Program), which we hadn't gone to in quite some time. His friends David and Maia were there, as well. We played at Lindbergh Park, sang songs, jumped around under the parachute and popped bubbles. After, we met some friends at Jasmine where Max stuffed himself on Dim Sum. His favorites? Steamed and Sticky Buns, Sticky rice wrapped in tea leaves and shumai. Everyone was impressed on how much Max could eat.
Our Meetup group visited the Zoo on Friday where we got to see the Polar Bears eat, play in a helicopter, take a bus to see the tigers, monkeys and flamingos, and read a story about a Mommy and Baby polar bear.
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We headed to Suzie's Farm on Saturday for a self-guided farm tour. While Max wasn't feeling too great, he still managed to put on a smiling face for his friends and keep his legs moving up and down the rows. We tasted mustard greens, arugula and spinach, played in the dirt and waved at passing by horses trotting on the road.
While Mommy went to work on Sunday, Daddy and Max enjoyed a boys day of running around Lake Murray, skipping rocks in the water, feeding ducks and watching football.
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Relaxing with Daddy |
GREAT first week on the year!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Thanksgiving and December Fun
Today was a BAD day.....
Not because it was raining, or that my cell phone decided to kaput on me......
It was because in the 19 months that Max has been my son, this was the first (yes, I know, I am spoiled) night that Max woke up every 20-30 minutes. After bringing him into bed with us, he found it necessary to lay with me cheek to cheek and would only fall asleep this way. So despite the drool, sweaty body, snoring and snot, I allowed it and I even fell asleep for a few minutes. As I was hoping for a nice long nap (which Max will usually take for 3 hours), I only managed another 20 minute nap. And was Max a miserable mess all day? No. He was playful and funny. He ate REALLY well and even cheered at his Wheel of Fortune.
So all is forgiven. I am just hoping ONE night of sleep. YAWN.....
Not because it was raining, or that my cell phone decided to kaput on me......
It was because in the 19 months that Max has been my son, this was the first (yes, I know, I am spoiled) night that Max woke up every 20-30 minutes. After bringing him into bed with us, he found it necessary to lay with me cheek to cheek and would only fall asleep this way. So despite the drool, sweaty body, snoring and snot, I allowed it and I even fell asleep for a few minutes. As I was hoping for a nice long nap (which Max will usually take for 3 hours), I only managed another 20 minute nap. And was Max a miserable mess all day? No. He was playful and funny. He ate REALLY well and even cheered at his Wheel of Fortune.
So all is forgiven. I am just hoping ONE night of sleep. YAWN.....
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Sharing some Rice Krispy Treats with Papa |
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Best looking Blake boys! |
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Blake Fam |
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My naked HUNGRY baby |
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First time on timeout and he was just SO crushed! |
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My boys on the Choo-choo Xmas Train |
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With Coraline at Seaworld |
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Daddy Love |
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Behind the scenes with the Elephants |
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Learning about Dung Beetles |
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Dressing up for Halloween |
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My lil' Caveman |
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December Nights at Balboa Park |
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Dancing with the Christmas music |
Spreading the Christmas Cheer |
Crazy Lil' Elf |
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