Wednesday, July 21, 2010

So much fun!

We have been having so much fun with Maxon and our summer events and I cannot believe it has been as long as it has been since I blogged last. While I may have been neglecting the blog, I have not neglected taking pictures of our adventurous life and beautiful baby boy.

Our growing boy is now into 6-9 month old clothes and has even moved up to size 3 diapers.  Tyson and I see 6 month old children while we are out and about and stare in awe as we look back at Maxon.  He is just about their size.  He is also starting to grasp better and stretch out his arms for us to pick him up. While his feedings are becoming less frequent, he is eating more at a time.  Maxon is also sleeping better and on a efficient schedule.  He will go down at 8pm, awake for a feeding with Dad at 3am, back to sleep after that, wake at 6, back to sleep at 630 and then I have to wake him up at about 930 so we can start our day.  I am sure he would sleep in longer (thanks to Daddy's gene's!).  At about 10am he will sleep for about half an hour, then nap again at 2 and then again at 5 or 6.  He is a good eater, sleeper and an overall peaceful baby.  He hardly cries, smiles at everyone, and is content with whatever we do or wherever we go. 

Maxon loves sitting in his chair, while watching Food Network or sucking his hands.  He watches us cook in the kitchen and loves his furry animal mobile.  We are always on the go whether it is with play dates, running errands, meeting friends or taking advantage of the San Diego summer....and Maxon is taking it all in.  He is making friends, enjoys the fresh air and sleeps peacefully on our car rides.  He is the best on our Tuesday night date night. 

Tyson and I have been blessed with a great baby.  We had Maxon to add to our love and to teach him about the beauty of this world.  We are in awe on how much he takes in and learns.  Already, he has become such a strong and independent little man.  While he cuddles and snuggles with his mommy, he can also screech and be a little terror with his daddy.  We cannot believe how fast his life has flown by, but we are so grateful that we have introduced him to so much.  Just goes to show how much we have to look forward to.

We have a busy few weeks ahead of us (camping, Bay Area trip to visit Great Great Grandma, swim class, infant massage, baby and me yoga, Del Mar Races, Wild Animal Park, Beach BBQ, Padres Game, and much more!) and look forward to posting pictures of him doing all of the fun summer activities. 
Auntie Alex joining us at the Mission Bay Play Date Group

Lounging while Mommy pays bills!

All Smiles at Julian Winery

Max and Luke BBF's!

Day at the Birch Aquarium

Maxon LOVES his Paula Dean

My poor guy soothing his gums with his rag.  He is teething and drools A LOT!

Monday, July 5, 2010

8 weeks!

Maxon is 8 weeks (or two months?  When is it okay to QUIT saying "weeks?) and acts like a teenager.  Well not quite, but he is progressing faster than I anticipated.  Everyday is a new talent and I swear I can see his brain and nerve synapses fuse to make sense of this crazy world. 

At his check-up, Maxon weighed in at a whopping 14lbs 2oz and measured at 25 1/2 inches.  Off the charts!!!  He also got his shots, which I was nervous for, but he only screamed for a minute and was soothed quickly after that.  He is our brave little boy.

His pediatrician ran down a list of milestones he will reach by the next appointment and not to toot our Maxon's horn, but he has accomplished most.  He is even TEETHING from his two front bottom teeth!!!!

Maxon is also scooting, standing with our help, smiling and cooing ALL of the time, sleeping longer at night, keeping his head up with little support, grabbing at his toys, pulling anything into his mouth, wearing a size 2 diaper and shoe, wears 3-6 month clothing (barely), is more awake and alert throughout the day, and moving all over his crib.  He is so strong, very vocal and quite active. 

He (and Tyson and I) had a very fun-filled week. 

Max's first Padres Game

Gearing up for his first Beer Festival.  His shirt said "Beer Me"

Mommy finally enjoying some tasty brews at the International Beer Festival at the Del Mar Fair.  As you can see, Max was not impressed!

Great Grandma Carmen came to San Diego for a quick visit

Celebrating 4th of July at the Padres Game

At Max's play group, we made 4th of July onesies

Max, at his playgroup, getting a quick nap in before songs and playtime.