Saturday, December 18, 2010

Happy Holidays!

As soon as Halloween and our Anniversary was over, all hell broke loose.  Tyson's work schedule went CRAZY with San Diego Beer Week,which slowly turned into Visalia for Thanksgiving, and now pushing Christmas in the Bay Area, and we have one hectic life.  Add spending time with family, work, play dates, and a CRAWLING toddler and we have one busy household---and we are loving every moment.  Our little baby is turning into a little boy and I cannot grasp the idea of him turning one in a few months.  Has life really passed by that fast?

Our seven and half month old precious baby can do oh-so-much.  Here are my proudest moments---

  • Crawls FAST!  As soon as he was able to crawl, he began pulling himself up on everything and anything.
  • Max has two bottom teeth that are growing what seems like INCHES every DAY!
  • He can walk along tables, couches, which is so CUTE.....BUT he now thinks he is all grown up and will try to walk without holding onto anything!  I think I need to start taking some anti-panic attack meds because this guy is SCARING ME!
  • PBS Dinosaur Train is his FAVORITE show. He loves watching it, but like his mom, he cannot sit still for too long and gets antsy after about 5 minutes.  We like to sing the songs and dance around.....
  • He can give kisses to his toys and pictures of people, but doesn't give us any yet. 
  • He waves "bye-bye"
  • Maxon LOOOVES screaming in joy, especially at dinner.  We (and by "we", I mean "me") taught him to squeal in excitement.  I know it can be annoying but I cannot resist the adorable smile that is accompanied with the screech.
  • Loves walking everywhere while holding onto our hands
  • Max now wears 18 months and size 5 shoe.....which amazes my fellow mommy friends.  I think it might have been all of the eggs and spinach I ate while I was preggos.......
Maxon still attends Tuesday Outdoor Classroom playgroup that meets as local parks and the Baby Sign Class on Fridays.  We also go to the local library on Thursday afternoons for sign story time.  About once a week, we will hang out with some of my mommy friends for a play date to get the kids together and to chat about everything.  Sundays are dinners at my Aunts House and with working Wednesday and Friday days, those nights are for "catch-up-on-housework." Tyson works Tuesday days and Wed-Sat nights so we try to spend our Mondays  as a family going to the Zoo, Wild Animal Park, on a quick run or walk, catch up with friends or doing some quick errands.  Maxon, with all of our busy life duties, handles it beautifully.  He fits perfect into our lifestyle---always smiling, enjoying his surroundings and taking in EVERYTHING.

And tonight, while rocking him to sleep, he reached out and placed his hand on my cheek, said "MAMA," smiled, and closed his eyes. My gorgeous, loving boy......

Playing with his toys on Thanksgiving

The Blake Boys

Max and Luke at Tuesdays Playgroup

While making our annual Christmas tamales, Max played (and slobbered) in his playpen

At the Farmers Market, talking and talking!

Christmas in the Park....and yes, we are wearing shorts and T-shirts!

Max can say the "Dah" in Duck

Geeeentle, Max

Having sushi, Max gave me this face after I showed him what I was eating

We see this smiling face when he wakes up from his nap. 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Our 6 month old giant!

Maxon is large and in charge!  He now sits up, scoots and almost crawls, eats solids three times a day, (still) sleeps like a champ and says "mama" and "dada".  Everyday seems like a new and different adventure. 

Here are our favorite pictures!

Swinging at the park.  LOVES IT!

In Temecula for Halloween (and our 2nd anniversary).  Tyson and Max were saying "Mama"

Maxon's not-so-little feet

Crawling and scooting

Walking amongst the wine grapes....Silly Monkey!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


We are eager to show all of the holiday fun to Maxon and we are SO EXCITED that he interacts with his environment.  Next week is our Halloween countdown with parades, baking cupcakes, pumpkin carving and trick or treating.  FUN!

Spooky Vampire Mask!

Loving the Pumpkin Patch

Mommy and Max

Which Pumpkin are you gonna choose, Max?

"That one, Mommy!"

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Summertime.....and the living is EASY!

We have had the best time teaching Max about what Summer is all about.  Pool, BBQ, Friends and hot, sticky summer days (well maybe not so much on the last one.....kinda been a cool summer).  Maxon didn't get to spend too much time in the water and while he loves his bath, we might have to wait for the next summer months to dip him in the pool.

Here are our attempts........

Max and friends at a swim class led by our friend Amy Ray.

Max's friend, Ryan, had a pool party for his First Birthday

Splish Splash!

At a BBQ, taking a dip.

He loved the spa, much better than the cool pool

Kicking back with Daddy

Fun Bath Time

Friday, October 1, 2010

Family Vacation

Tyson had some days off so we took advantage and hauled our family to Big Bear Lake. Maxon, like most of his everyday life, lives it full of firsts. First time on vacation, first time sleeping all night in a playpen, first time in a boat, first time in LA, first time eating avocado and bananas and one of MANY TIMES that he was a perfect child. He whined and cried, but he was hungry or tired. We took him out with us to late night dinner and he slept. We trekked him all over LA and he enjoyed it all. And when we got home late last night, he whined for his cozy bed. He wrapped himself in his soft blue blankey and slept magically. He is one simultanious arm and knee correlation away from crawling and one day away from sitting up by himself. Time to really get the kid gate/baby proof plug ins/softer furniture in order!

Checked out the Big Bear Discovery Center where they had information on vegetation, animals, hiking trails and history of the town.

Maxon LOVED the stuffed animals.  We are teaching him to touch gently. Nice Kitty.....

He loved being on the boat.  Gorgeous day at Big Bear Lake! 

Maxon drove the boat and followed all rules!

Loving his rattle (which was Tyson's rattle when he was a baby)

We hung out with Jen and Matt on the boat and had a BLAST!

Maxon was enthralled with the huge mammoths and sloths at La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles (loved his cute sticker)

First time seeing the Hollywood sign for Max and I.

And the award goes to......MAXON CRUZ BLAKE!

LOVED LOVED LOVED the red laterns in Chinatown

Daddy playing with Maxon as the storm threatens the sky......SCARY!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


My kid can no other person can eat.  I read in books that he "should" eat an X-amount of food, but it seems like he eats all day.  AND when he is full (aka full to the brim that he spits up), he will still eat. This guy will NOT deny a bottle.  When we fed him rice cereal for the first time yesterday, he was a bit hesitant, but quite interested.  The food was all over him, rather than in his belly, but he is getting the idea.  In two weeks, we will introduce him to veggies (Tyson says sweet pots) and then every week, after the Farmers Markets, we will start him on another veg/fruit.  I doubt he will turn his nose up on anything.

My Lovable Monster.......

So much growing, so little time

Maxon went to his 4 month appointment last week, as well as started his "school"/playgroup.  And to through more busy in our lives, I worked THREE days.  On Sunday, Tyson and I enjoyed our sleeping in.  We deserved it! 

So our calm before the storm started on a Monday in which we had ABSOLUTELY nothing to do!  I know, I know......doesn't happen very often with a 4 month old, but we didn't ask questions.  Our errands were done and housework would always be there, so we packed the diaper bag and headed out for the day.  We did our old shopping/resturant hopping day and loved every bit of it.  On Tuesday, while Daddy went off to work, Max and I started the first day of Outdoor Classroom.  On our last session, during the summer, Max was too young and slept for most of the class.  This time around, he squealed in delight.  As we sang songs, he giggled.  Max recognized his friend Luke and played with the other little babes.  And when we went on a walk, like the other babes, he fell asleep as the mommies chatted.  It was a nice chilly day in Balboa Park so the walk warmed us up.  After our playgroup, Max and I ventured out to the beach for a quick run and to put our feet in the sand.  So glad that our summer has been a cool one......

On Wednesday, I went off to work as Max and Daddy helped Uncle Sam get settled in San Diego.  Sam moved to San Diego a few weeks ago to be closer to our little family and Max couldn't be more excited.  He is looking forward to the many Zoo trips.  We did the quick swap from Daddy to Mommy at 430 and Max and I headed to the Farmers Market and dinner with our friend Nikki.  After a quick bath, Max was off to slumberland.  On Thursday morning, while the our Fantasy Football draft was taking place, Max had his 4 month appointment.  He weighed in at 17 pounds, 9 ounces and measured 28 inches.  We got the go ahead to feed him solids and to wrap the appointment up, Max got shots, which he didn't seem phased by.  He was more aggrevated, if anything, because we were holding his arms and legs down.  My only "urgent" question for the peditrician........."Is it normal for him to sleep sooooooo much?"

Friday was another full day of work and baby sign class in the morning. For a little me time, Saturday was my first Track Club meeting.  I am going to be training for the half marathon in Janurary so this gives me strict training under my belt.  We ended the busy week on Sunday with a BBQ over our friends house (where he also recieved his first bite from their little girl.....POOR BABY!). 

And so another week for us and we are again busy running around with a Babywearing meeting, Outdoor Classroom, dinner over Aunt Rachel's house, Baby Sign, Baby Sign/Story Time, as well as work and the usual load of housework.  LOVE IT ALL!!!!

Max is rolling all over the place (back and forth), has started eating rice cereal and is on formula.  His first feeding, my favorite, is our breastfeeding time, but because he eats so freaking much, formula fills him up better.  He has started to notcie when Tyson and I aren't there and will whine.  I am hoping that this is not the beginning of attachment problems.  Maxon is also starting to sit up better, but still leans over so it might take some time until he is able to do it on his own. 

Now for the cuteness.......

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Max at the Beach

On Monday we ventured to the cool coast to get away from our hot and humid condo.  We had a BBQ at my Dad's house and then went fishing at dusk.  It was a beautiful night as the Bahia Belle sailed in and out of dock, the fireworks blasted off in the distant and our little family cuddled in the crisp beach breeze.  This was Max's first beach trip and while he seemed to enjoy it, he quickly passed out in his car seat. 
Relaxing at the BBQ
Hanging out on the Bay

Mommy and Max

The Blakes!

Bundling Max up for the cool beach night