From Tuesday to today I have had a substantial change. On Tuesday, one could not tell that I was expecting. My belly was still flat and while I could feel something going on, I would sometimes forget that I was even pregnant. I even slept on my belly without any discomfort. Over the next few day, everything changed. My tummy has grown and even aches. It feels as though I am going to explode and I am only in month three!!! My flutters are more frequent and mostly occur in the morning. At week 14, mentions that the baby is now stretching its 3 1/2 inch body and his hands and body are more active. My belly now has a pooch and my clothes are getting VERY tight.
Sleeping is another discomfort and not just because I cannot get into a comfortable position, but because of my several bathroom trips. I sometimes wish for a catheter. Last night was quite possibly the WORST night so far. I went potty not once, not twice, but six times....SIX TIMES!!!!! And it wasn't like I could've stopped drinking water to prevent future potty breaks because after each trip, I has beyond thirsty. I tried to ignore my craving for ice cold water, but I couldn't. I gulped away angrily knowing that I would be up in a few minutes to relieve myself. I told Tyson that this is definitely preparing me for when the baby arrives and wakes up every few hours for feeding.
And lastly, my favorite part of pregnancy. I was getting discouraged on ever finding a food that I could not live without. Every woman talks of insane desires and husbands rushing to satisfy their salty/sweet/crunchy/sour wives needs. I was beginning to think that I would never get to that point. But then we went out to lunch on Wednesday......
Dim Sum is what I crave, dream of, salivate over....cannot get it out of my head. The delectable small dumplings stuffed with shrimp, scallops, pork, oh my! The dark, leafy green Chinese broccoli with the oyster dipping sauce and the duck, the pork belly, egg rolls, sweet rolls stuffed with pork, the Chinese hot mustard sauce with red chili.....It's all amazing. And the best part? As soon as you sit down, you are fed. It is my hunger dream come true. I am going back on Monday....and Wednesday.

We started our family on November 1, 2008. Love and happiness has brought us where we are today. And with a new addition to our little Blake family, we wanted to share our journey, as well as document the most cherishable experince of our lives....our little bundle of joy. May our lives be full of learning, chaos, laughter, photos, food and most of all....LOVE
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Tuesday Date Night
Sitting in our kitchen in my PJ's and watching Tyson cook dinner has to be the best way we like to spend our Tuesday Date Nights. We started them some time ago when we realized that both of us liked hanging out with our friends and rarely spent time enjoying ourselves, by ourselves. With working nights and running errands and spending time with fam and amigos on our off nights, we "force" ourselves to take time out. Tonight we are having a feast of steaks, garlic bread, salad, rosemary potatoes and a spread of pasteurized cheeses---my favorite meal!
On our two days off, we went to the Rancho Bernardo pumpkin patch where we found our way through the corn maze and picked out three pumpkins. Next week, we'll do our carving. Afterwards, we regretfully watched the Chargers MNF game as they lost to Denver, but at least we had good company with the Math's, Matt Mann, Angie and Mom and Sis. It hasn't been a great start for our Chargers, but I am hoping for a comeback.
Today was a busy day with taking Mom to the dentist, shopping, pedicure, lunch and knitting class....okay so maybe not too busy, but definitely fun. My first knitting class went well and I am off to a great scarf. My next goal are baby booties!
As far as the baby goes, nothing new. While I think I am feeling small flutters in my belly, I am not sure if they are the baby or gas. I am also not as tired as I have been, but one thing that HAS increased is my hunger. I have been good, however, with eating fruit smoothies, fruit, cottage cheese, grains, veggies and anything else that is healthy for us. I did HAVE to splurge on McD's french fries, though. It was my Mom's fault. We did get our first baby gift today from the grandma-to-be. My Mom crocheted a very soft blue (??!!) blanket and also bought us a package full of baby lotion, oils, ointments and all of the other Baby Johnson products. Tyson and I oohed and aahed over them and put them against my belly to show the baby. My belly grumbled in return so I better go eat some food!
On our two days off, we went to the Rancho Bernardo pumpkin patch where we found our way through the corn maze and picked out three pumpkins. Next week, we'll do our carving. Afterwards, we regretfully watched the Chargers MNF game as they lost to Denver, but at least we had good company with the Math's, Matt Mann, Angie and Mom and Sis. It hasn't been a great start for our Chargers, but I am hoping for a comeback.
Today was a busy day with taking Mom to the dentist, shopping, pedicure, lunch and knitting class....okay so maybe not too busy, but definitely fun. My first knitting class went well and I am off to a great scarf. My next goal are baby booties!
As far as the baby goes, nothing new. While I think I am feeling small flutters in my belly, I am not sure if they are the baby or gas. I am also not as tired as I have been, but one thing that HAS increased is my hunger. I have been good, however, with eating fruit smoothies, fruit, cottage cheese, grains, veggies and anything else that is healthy for us. I did HAVE to splurge on McD's french fries, though. It was my Mom's fault. We did get our first baby gift today from the grandma-to-be. My Mom crocheted a very soft blue (??!!) blanket and also bought us a package full of baby lotion, oils, ointments and all of the other Baby Johnson products. Tyson and I oohed and aahed over them and put them against my belly to show the baby. My belly grumbled in return so I better go eat some food!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I have had a headache for 8 hours now, pounding away on the left side of my temple. Pulsing and aggravating. The reason? Baby supplies. I made the mistake of looking online for cribs, bassinets, changing tables, etc. to investigate what is out there and to get an idea on pricing. Three hours later, I had "wish lists" at several online websites of all baby accessories, decorations, gadgets, furniture and anything else that was rated a "must buy." This is my first time around so I do not know if I absolutely need 20 receiving blankets or 3. Why the hell are there so many freaking different types of strollers and diaper bins??!!! What happened to throwing it in the garbage and taking the garbage out every night? Do I need all of these THINGS??!!! So because my headache didn't hurt enough, I went to Target to really get an idea of baby-ness. And I walked right out.
I don't know how women do it. Actually I do, but I figured it out this morning after talking to my mom. There is NO WAY in HELL that women can go through being pregnant without their mom or another woman figure who has gone through the child rearing. It has been a few years since my mom had to raise a newborn and the technology is a little different, but knowing that she did it, and did it well, comforts me and my head. Just keeping it to the basics and going with the mom raised me well and I know I can pass that on to my own baby.
So after my Jamba Juice smoothie and realizing that I do not need EVERYTHING, my head has stopped throbbing for me to finally think clearly. Over the next 6 months, my list will be pages long, but at least I know I can shop over time, rather than immediately.
I don't know how women do it. Actually I do, but I figured it out this morning after talking to my mom. There is NO WAY in HELL that women can go through being pregnant without their mom or another woman figure who has gone through the child rearing. It has been a few years since my mom had to raise a newborn and the technology is a little different, but knowing that she did it, and did it well, comforts me and my head. Just keeping it to the basics and going with the mom raised me well and I know I can pass that on to my own baby.
So after my Jamba Juice smoothie and realizing that I do not need EVERYTHING, my head has stopped throbbing for me to finally think clearly. Over the next 6 months, my list will be pages long, but at least I know I can shop over time, rather than immediately.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Today was our check up to see the baby's progress and to check on my blood work that I took last week. After lunch at Kings (sushi, mac n' cheese, spinach and our favorite BBQ shrimp), we headed to Kaiser in La Mesa to visit with Ranae Black. She eagerly gave us an ultrasound that showed the baby and all its growth. And my how the baby has grown! We saw the profile perfectly, a distinct (and strong, according to the midwife) spine, little hands and feet and tons of movement. The baby was moving around, grabbing his face, turning his back to us, and kicking. Of course I cannot feel any of this, but he was quite active. His face looked like Tyson's and the doctor said that his legs were quite long. From the ultrasound showing our 5-week-old to the 11 week old picture, the difference was outstanding. From a blob to an actual BABY! Prior to our appointment, I was a little anxious because I didn't know what to expect. Good news or bad news. It is all overwhelming because a life is growing inside of me. My little creation :) We just cannot believe how fast he has grown, but I guess that is the old classic line of all parents...goes by fast!
Monday, October 12, 2009
People say that pregnant women nest (prepare the home by cleaning, organizing and shopping), but I always thought that this "symptom" came on later, when the baby was knocking on the door to come out. But I understand that from the point of learning that your expecting to the moment the baby is in your arms, is relatively, a VERY short time. Nine months may seem like forever, but with baby classes, appointments, shopping, organizing, reading EVERY parent magazine/blog/website/book, cleaning, and setting up the nursery, nine months goes by a little too fast. And so I have begun my nesting....
I woke up early to a cloudy day and my desire to bake was overwhelming. After swinging by the store and Starbucks (1/2 decaf, 1/2 reg with soy), I realized I only had a few moments to get ready and eat breakfast before heading to cousin Hilary's house. She supplied me with a bag full of maternity clothes, as well as some neutral colored baby clothes. With my expanding belly, my wardrobe desperately needed a restocking. Afterwards, I fulfilled my baking desire by baking a Spiced Applesauce Cake with a Cream cheese Cinnamon frosting. The aroma filled the house, smelling like Christmas morning. After baking, I cleaned out the pre-pregnant clothes out of the closet and into the garage, napped, cleaned out the fridge, and finished laundry. Later on, Tys and I ventured out to the garden store for some herbs, flowers and greens. My green thumb has set in.
We have our second appointment tomorrow, hopefully giving us a chance to see the baby. I also want to go to a knitting class that evening. There is always so much to do and so little time. Is it really nesting? Tyson doesn't think so considering I have always been like this, but I see it's nesting for my lil' guy :)
I woke up early to a cloudy day and my desire to bake was overwhelming. After swinging by the store and Starbucks (1/2 decaf, 1/2 reg with soy), I realized I only had a few moments to get ready and eat breakfast before heading to cousin Hilary's house. She supplied me with a bag full of maternity clothes, as well as some neutral colored baby clothes. With my expanding belly, my wardrobe desperately needed a restocking. Afterwards, I fulfilled my baking desire by baking a Spiced Applesauce Cake with a Cream cheese Cinnamon frosting. The aroma filled the house, smelling like Christmas morning. After baking, I cleaned out the pre-pregnant clothes out of the closet and into the garage, napped, cleaned out the fridge, and finished laundry. Later on, Tys and I ventured out to the garden store for some herbs, flowers and greens. My green thumb has set in.
We have our second appointment tomorrow, hopefully giving us a chance to see the baby. I also want to go to a knitting class that evening. There is always so much to do and so little time. Is it really nesting? Tyson doesn't think so considering I have always been like this, but I see it's nesting for my lil' guy :)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Keeping Busy
Yesterday was the first day that I FINALLY felt like an expecting mommy. While I definitely felt something different going on with my body, it has been hard for me to connect with having a baby growing inside of me because I cannot see it externally and I cannot feel it internally. Emotionally, I am full of love and happiness (cheesy, yes..but very true!) But it was yesterday that I fully embraced having a baby and becoming a mother. First line of duty, joining other mothers in San Diego. Realizing that I have very few friends that are married, let alone pregnant, I decided to be part of a group where I can mingle with women who are experiencing the same joys of becoming mamas and also hopefully have future playdates for when the baby arrives. Being that Tyson and I work at night, our days are empty, which I feel that I can fill with fun play dates for baby and grown up time for mommy. Also, networking during the recession is not such a bad thing for us. Hopefully we might even get a party or two out of it, or at least spread the word on CRAVE. Another mommy group that I have joined is a prenatal yoga class that starts the first week in November. I am already feeling the aches and sores of my new body so with this new exersice, I hope to stay in shape, as well as relieve any discomforts from now on (and hopefully ease the birthing process). Like with the New Mommy group, I hope to meet new moms, as well as network within the yoga class. And my last mommy group? KNITTING! I know, I's for grandmas, but with the endless amount of blankets, booties and scarves, no one will go cold! So basically, as one can see, I am bored. With these new "to-do" activites, I hope to make the next 6 months go by fast and to have SOMETHING to do when the baby sleeps all day long (which he will considering we are having THE BEST BABY EVER!!)
My shopping addiction took over yesterday, but it was for a good reason. I bought a pair of jeans that finally fit me and my belly, as well as a few shirts. It is uncomfortable (literally) to feel like your clothes are getting tighter and tighter. I have to constantly convince myslef that it is the growing baby and not my obsession with cupcakes, pasta and pizza. Plus, I need to feel beautiful when my horomones have me breaking out and emotional. Thank God for Tyson's continous praise and love to keep me feel like a goddess. And my jeans that make my butt look FANTASTIC! So with my new clubs, new clothes and on Friday, a new trimester, I am feeling like one happy mommy. I cannot wait to see Taj (???) in the ultrasound pic on Tuesday.
My shopping addiction took over yesterday, but it was for a good reason. I bought a pair of jeans that finally fit me and my belly, as well as a few shirts. It is uncomfortable (literally) to feel like your clothes are getting tighter and tighter. I have to constantly convince myslef that it is the growing baby and not my obsession with cupcakes, pasta and pizza. Plus, I need to feel beautiful when my horomones have me breaking out and emotional. Thank God for Tyson's continous praise and love to keep me feel like a goddess. And my jeans that make my butt look FANTASTIC! So with my new clubs, new clothes and on Friday, a new trimester, I am feeling like one happy mommy. I cannot wait to see Taj (???) in the ultrasound pic on Tuesday.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
I can’t believe we stumbled upon an at home gender test that is similar to that of the pregnancy tests. Pee and your future is revealed. Advertised in all of the pregnancy magazines, this convenience store bought test can tell you whether your bun in the oven in is a boy or a girl as early as 10 weeks. Simply pee in a cup, syringe some pee in another cup filled with some powdery substance, swirl and wait 10 minutes. If it’s yellow/orange, it’s a girl. Green it’s a boy. After 10 full minutes, I marched back into the bathroom to find the cup a swampy green color. How much do I believe the test? We’ll see come November 20. I did tell future Grandma-to-be and Aunt-to-be to not throw the receipts away from all of the clothes and presents I know they will be shopping for. The package “claims” that the tests are 90% accurate, but I am still not a believer until I see for myself.
I always imagined that once I became pregnant, I would have these horrible, monster like cravings that would be so intense, I could kill…but to no avail, I am a normal girl with a normal desire for food. Pickles and Ice Cream? Mmmkay, just not together. An urgent need for sweets for breakfast? A nice bowl of fruit will suite me fine, thanks. But I think that my obscene appetite before becoming pregnant contributed to my boring eating styles. Anchovy pizza in the morning, sweetbreads for dinner, tripe salad for lunch, bacon and ice cream…been there, done that. And if I do find something particularly tasty, my amazing husband simply stands up, marches in the kitchen, and begins slicing, dicing, boiling and sautéing. Chow mien, beef stew, calzones on the BBQ, poached eggs, smoothies, pasta in a spicy marinara…oh my! Okay now I am hungry for the fifth time today so off to devour granola and soymilk!
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